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FASD Hub Scotland

FASD Hub Scotland


Who are we?

Launched by Adoption UK Scotland, FASD Hub Scotland provide a tiered support service for parents/carers (adoptive and biological parents, foster carers, kinship carers and step parents) across Scotland who live with children, young people and young adults who have a history of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), with or without an FASD diagnosis.
The service extends to provide a point of reference and training for professionals who work with and support these families (social work, education and other third sector organisations/charities) within Scotland.

What do we do?

Tier 1 provides FASD related resources, information, advice, and signposting accessible to all via our dedicated Helpline, website, and social media channel. The telephone helpline is open Tuesday – Friday, 10am to 2.30pm, 0300 666 0006 (select option 2) or email Tier 2 provides a FASD community, training opportunities and direct support from FASD Hub team for those living in Scotland. Through the FASD Hub Scotland closed Peer Support Group hosted within Facebook parents and carers can connect with others who have shared experiences and gain peer support. Tier 3 provides access to Enhanced Therapeutic Services for specifically identified families who are engaged in the 1:1 Family Support or members of the closed Peer Support Group and is restricted to those living in Scotland.

How to get access or get in touch?

The telephone helpline is open Tuesday – Friday, 10am to 2.30pm, 0300 666 0006 (select option 2) or email Visit the website for more information.

FASD Helpline


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