Who are we?
The Scottish ADHD Coalition was set up in 2017 to bring together the leaders of voluntary organisations providing support to adults and children with ADHD in Scotland, and their parents, carers and families.
What do we do?
Our Coalition has three aims: To raise awareness of ADHD and of the voluntary support groups available to parents and people with ADHD across Scotland. To build the capacity of leaders of voluntary ADHD groups to run effective, sustainable support in their local areas by sharing ideas, resources and encouragement between groups. To represent the views of our member groups and the people they support, and provide a platform for joint campaigning to improve diagnosis and support for people with ADHD and their families across Scottish public services, including the NHS, education, local authorities, police and the criminal justice system.
How to get access or get in touch?
For general enquiries email: info@scottishadhdcoalition.org. We are not set up to offer direct support to individuals with ADHD. If you are looking for help and support for yourself or a family member, please contact a local group in the first instance if there is one in your area - visit the website for more information.